Dealing with noisy data

Cross-validated methods to separate high-dimensional signal from noise


August 26, 2023


March 10, 2024

Experimental data in neuroscience are often noisy – they contain a mixture of stimulus-specific signal and stimulus-independent noise. While many dimensionality reduction methods separate signal from noise on the basis of variance, there is no fundamental reason why high-variance components correspond to signal while low-variance components correspond to noise. In this notebook, we’ll explore a cross-validated method that allows us to detect stimulus-related signal regardless of its variance.
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Neural data is noisy

Unfortunately for us computational neuroscientists, experimental data is noisy. Let’s consider a neuron from the toy example we discussed earlier.

Install all required dependencies
%pip install git+
Import various libraries
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.colors import SymLogNorm
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib_inline.backend_inline import set_matplotlib_formats
from IPython.display import display

from utilities.brain import load_dataset
from utilities.computation import assign_logarithmic_bins
from utilities.toy_example import (
Set some visualization defaults
%matplotlib inline

    rc={"legend.edgecolor": "None"},

pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 5)
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 10)
pd.set_option("display.precision", 3)
pd.set_option("display.show_dimensions", False)

xr.set_options(display_max_rows=3, display_expand_data=False)

Initialize a deterministic random number generator
random_state = 0
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=random_state)

The variance in its responses to the N = 1000 presented dots was driven by two factors:

  • stimulus-dependent signal – how much the neural response varies with the stimulus features \text{color} and \text{size}, and
  • stimulus-independent noise – sampled from the same Gaussian distribution irrespective of the stimulus.
View signal/noise decomposition of an individual neuron’s responses
stimuli = create_stimuli(n=1000, rng=rng)

neurons = {
    "neuron response": Neuron(beta_color=3, beta_size=-2, std=1, mean=7),
    "stimulus-dependent signal": Neuron(beta_color=3, beta_size=-2, std=0, mean=7),
    "stimulus-independent noise": Neuron(beta_color=0, beta_size=0, std=1, mean=0),

data = simulate_multiple_neuron_responses(

    template_func=lambda x: f"{list(neurons.keys())[x - 1]}",

Compute variances
variances = np.round(data.var("stimulus").values, 3)
print(f"total variance: {variances[0]}")
print(f"stimulus-dependent signal variance: {variances[1]}")
print(f"stimulus-independent noise variance: {variances[2]}")
total variance: 14.245
stimulus-dependent signal variance: 13.106
stimulus-independent noise variance: 0.964

When investigating a sensory system, we are typically interested in the former – we want to understand the robust, reproducible portion of the system’s behavior in response to stimuli. The remaining variance is often considered nuisance variance.

In general, experimental data in neuroscience contain many sources of variation, some intrinsic to the system and others dependent on our experimental techniques.

Intrinsic stochasticity
The spiking of neurons is inherently stochastic. Recording responses from a single neuron to the same stimuli would result in different spike trains. Often, however, we compute summary statistics that abstract over the precise timing of spikes, assuming that the neural representation depends only on average firing rates.
The level of arousal of participants in an experiment modulates their neural responses. For example, if a participant drinks coffee in the morning before a long scanning session, we’d expect to measure different neural responses.
Representational drift
The representations used by an animal could vary gradually over time. For example, several brain-computer interfaces – e.g. where neural activity is used to actuate a mechanical system – often need to be recalibrated frequently to account for short- to medium-term changes in the representational space.
Measurement noise
Every empirical measurement of a neural signal is subject to errors in the experimental procedure that cause the measured response to be different from the “true” response. For example, this could be caused by scanner drift in fMRI, or poor electrode scalp contact in EEG.
Stimulus-dependent signal
Finally, the source of variation we are usually most interested in is the stimulus-specific signal – how the neural response changes with the stimulus. This is often called neural tuning – e.g. neurons in the fusiform face area are described as “tuned for faces, but not houses”.

In the previous notebook, we observed that neural responses have high-dimensional structure, as evidenced by the covariance spectrum obtained from principal component analysis.

However, this covariance spectrum is agnostic to the sources of variation in the data: it considers variance due to signal and noise to be identical. How can we use the spectrum to separate signal from noise?

Let’s take a brief detour and investigate a system that is “pure noise”: a random matrix.

Covariance structure of random matrices

Let’s consider a simple system: a random matrix X \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times P}, with entries drawn independently from a fixed Gaussian distribution \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2).

Create a random matrix
n_stimuli = 500
n_neurons = 500

random_matrix = rng.standard_normal((n_stimuli, n_neurons))

def view_random_matrix(data: np.ndarray, /) -> Figure:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    image = ax.imshow(
        data, cmap="Spectral", norm=SymLogNorm(linthresh=1e-2, linscale=1e-1)
    sns.despine(ax=ax, left=True, bottom=True)


    return fig


We might expect that a random matrix ought to have no covariance structure, since all the entries were sampled independently. However, this isn’t the case! In fact, random matrices have well-defined covariance structure that is described by the Marchenko-Pastur distribution.

Visualize the covariance eigenspectrum of the random matrix
def view_eigenspectrum(data: np.ndarray, *, log: bool = False) -> None:
    data -= data.mean(axis=-2, keepdims=True)

    singular_values = np.linalg.svd(data, compute_uv=False)
    eigenvalues = (
            data=singular_values**2 / (n_stimuli - 1),
            coords={"rank": ("rank", 1 + np.arange(singular_values.shape[-1]))},

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    if log:
        ax.set_aspect("equal", "box")

    sns.despine(ax=ax, offset=20)


Let’s view the spectrum on a logarithmic scale to see what it looks like.

Re-plot the covariance eigenspectrum on a log-log scale
view_eigenspectrum(random_matrix, log=True)

Even random matrices have systematic covariance structure that result in non-zero eigenvalues at all ranks. How can we know that a region of our spectrum is driven by signal and not noise?

An incorrect assumption: signal = high-variance, noise = low-variance

One of the most common denoising procedures is variance-dependent dimensionality reduction: retaining only the first few high-variance principal components of the data. The implicit assumption here is that high-variance dimensions correspond to signal in the system, while low-variance dimensions represent noise. In this section, we’ll investigate this assumption and demonstrate that this isn’t always true!

Cross-validated PCA

In a whole-brain calcium-imaging study, Stringer et al. (2019) recorded the responses of 10,000 neurons in mouse primary visual cortex to 2,800 natural images.

Experimental setup for the calcium-imaging study – Fig 1 in Stringer et al. (2019)

Armed with this large dataset, they set out to develop a method that could reliably estimate the covariance structure of these neural responses: cross-validated PCA.

Since most neuroscience experiments collect multiple responses to the same stimulus across different trials, Stringer et al. (2019) decided to use one set of responses as a training set and other as a test set when computing the covariance eigenspectrum.

Specifically, if there were N unique stimuli – each seen twice – the data matrix X \in \mathbb{R}^{2N \times P} is split into two matrices X_\text{train} \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times P} and X_\text{test} \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times P}, where the rows of X_\text{train} and X_\text{test} correspond to the same stimuli.

Step 1 – Compute eigenvectors on the training set

The first step is to compute the principal components – the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix – of the training set:

As usual, X_\text{train} must be centered when computing its covariance.

\begin{align*} \text{cov}(X_\text{train}, X_\text{train}) &= X_\text{train}^\top X_\text{train} / (n - 1)\\ &= V \Lambda V^\top \end{align*}

Step 2 – Compute cross-validated eigenvalues

The second step is to compute cross-validated eigenvalues by projecting both the training and the test sets onto the eigenvectors from Step 1, and computing their cross-covariance:

Both X_\text{train} and X_\text{test} are centered prior to the projection using the mean of X_\text{train}.

\begin{align*} \Lambda_\text{cross-validated} &= \text{cov}(X_\text{train}V, X_\text{test}V)\\ &= \left( X_\text{train} V \right) ^\top \left( X_\text{test} V \right) / (n - 1) \end{align*}

These cross-validated eigenvalues represent the covariance reliably shared across two presentations of the visual stimulus – the “stable” part of the visual representation of a natural image.


These cross-validated “eigenvalues” need not be positive: if there is no shared covariance between the two systems along a particular eigenvector, the expected value of the eigenvalue is 0. This makes interpretation simple: if there is reliable variance along a dimension, its cross-validated eigenvalue will be significantly above zero.

A computational recipe

A computational recipe for cross-validated PCA
class CrossValidatedPCA:
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    def __call__(self, /, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        self.pca = PCA()
        x_transformed = self.pca.transform(x)
        y_transformed = self.pca.transform(y)

        cross_covariance = np.cov(

        self.cross_validated_spectrum = np.diag(
            cross_covariance[: self.pca.n_components_, self.pca.n_components_ :]

Investigating neural data

Let’s apply cross-validated PCA to our fMRI data to see what it looks like!

Load the dataset
data = load_dataset(subject=0, roi="general").load()

<xarray.DataArray 'fMRI betas' (presentation: 1400, neuroid: 15724)> Size: 88MB
-0.2375 -0.4001 -0.7933 0.04382 -0.1157 ... 0.2669 -1.051 -0.179 0.03348 -0.2664
Coordinates: (3/8)
    x            (neuroid) uint8 16kB 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 ... 72 72 72 72 72 72
    y            (neuroid) uint8 16kB 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 ... 29 29 30 30 30 31
    ...           ...
    rep_id       (presentation) uint8 1kB 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ... 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Dimensions without coordinates: presentation, neuroid
Attributes: (3/7)
    resolution:     1pt8mm
    preprocessing:  fithrf_GLMdenoise_RR
    ...             ...
    citation:       Allen, E.J., St-Yves, G., Wu, Y. et al. A massive 7T fMRI...

Note that the data contain fMRI responses to two repetitions of N = 700 images for a total of 2N = 1400 presentations.

Compute the cross-validated spectrum
data_repetition_1 = data.isel({"presentation": data["rep_id"] == 0}).sortby(
data_repetition_2 = data.isel({"presentation": data["rep_id"] == 1}).sortby(

cv_pca = CrossValidatedPCA()
cv_pca(data_repetition_1.values, data_repetition_2.values)
Plot the raw cross-validated spectrum
def plot_cross_validated_spectrum(
    cv_pca: CrossValidatedPCA,
    log: bool = False,
    original: bool = False,
    square: bool = False,
    bin_logarithmically: bool = False,
) -> Figure:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    data = pd.DataFrame(
            "rank": 1 + np.arange(len(cv_pca.cross_validated_spectrum) - 1),
            "cross-validated": cv_pca.cross_validated_spectrum[:-1],
            "original": cv_pca.pca.explained_variance_[:-1],
        value_vars=["cross-validated", "original"],

    if original:
        data = (
            data.loc[data["spectrum"] == "cross-validated"]
            .rename(columns={"eigenvalue": "cross-validated eigenvalue"})

        if bin_logarithmically:
            data["rank"] = assign_logarithmic_bins(
                data["rank"], points_per_bin=5, min_=1, max_=10_000

                y="cross-validated eigenvalue",
                y="cross-validated eigenvalue",

    if log:
        ax.axhline(0, ls="--", c="gray")

        if square:

    sns.despine(ax=ax, offset=20)

    return fig


We can see a typical spectrum that appears to have a knee somewhere around 10 dimensions, beyond which the variance quickly flattens out close to zero.

Let’s re-plot this cross-validated covariance eigenspectrum on a logarithmic scale.

Plot the cross-validated spectrum on a log-log scale
plot_cross_validated_spectrum(cv_pca, log=True)

Here, we see that the apparent knee isn’t present – in fact, the spectrum appears to obey a power law at all ranks! Additionally, since these eigenvalues were obtained from a cross-validated analysis, we know that they represent stimulus-related variance that is consistent across different presentations of the same stimuli and not noise.

To verify this, let’s plot the covariance spectrum of the training dataset, the one that we would obtain from regular principal components analysis.

Plot both the original and the cross-validated spectrum
plot_cross_validated_spectrum(cv_pca, log=True, original=True)

The covariance eigenspectrum of the training data (orange) is higher than the cross-validated spectrum (blue) at all ranks – suggesting that the process is indeed removing trial-specific noise.

The neural population code is high-dimensional!

Importantly, note that after removing trial-specific noise using cross-validated PCA, the covariance eigenspectrum retains its power-law structure at all ranks! This suggests that the neural population code is truly high-dimensional.

Finally, let’s re-plot the cross-validated spectrum in a cleaner fashion, where the trends of interest are more clearly visible.

Bin the cross-validated spectrum
with sns.axes_style("whitegrid"):
    fig = plot_cross_validated_spectrum(
        cv_pca, log=True, bin_logarithmically=True, square=True
    ax = fig.get_axes()[0]
    ax.grid(True, which="minor", c="whitesmoke")
    ax.grid(True, which="major", c="lightgray")
    for loc in ("left", "bottom"):

Here, we’ve averaged the spectrum in local bins that expand exponentially in size (and thus appear uniformly spaced on the logarithmic scale). The individual points denote the mean cross-validated eigenvalue in each bin while the error bars denote the standard deviation of these eigenvalues.

Averaging within such bins allows us to detect signal even in a regime where the cross-validated spectrum oscillates wildly near zero and also visualize the power law more cleanly.

The power law extends further with more data!

Note that the power-law scaling doesn’t saturate at the tail of the spectrum, suggesting that with even larger datasets with more stimuli, we might find reliable stimulus-specific variance along even more dimensions! In fact, if we use a larger version of this dataset – including all 10,000 images seen by a single participant – we do indeed see continued power law scaling.

A universal power-law exponent

The power-law exponent of the neural data appears very close to -1, as you can see from the slope of the cross-validated spectrum Interestingly, a power-law exponent of -1 appears with surprising regularity in neuroscience.

A power-law index of -1 implies a special sort of scale-invariance. Consider the total variance captured by such a covariance eigenspectrum within a range of ranks [\alpha, \beta]:

\begin{align*} \int_\alpha^\beta x^{-1} dx &= \ln{\left\lvert\frac{\beta}{\alpha}\right\rvert} \end{align*}

This total variance only depends on the ratio \beta / \alpha – indicating that a power law with a -1 slope has equal variance in each decade: i.e., the total variance from rank 1 to rank 10 is equal to the total variance from rank 100 to rank 1000.

This suggests that each decade is equally important and contributes as much to the representation, though the later decades have their variance spread out over many more dimensions.

Stringer et al. (2019) provide a possible explanation for why systems might tend toward a -1 covariance eigenspectrum.

For sufficiently high-dimensional data, if a spectrum decays any slower than -1, the representational manifold becomes non-smooth: small changes in the input might lead to large changes in the representational space – clearly an undesirable property for stable perception and cognition.

In contrast, if a spectrum decays significantly faster than -1, it loses some expressivity by not utilizing all the dimensions it has available.

Mouse primary visual cortex

Stringer et al. (2019), who developed cross-validated PCA, discovered that mouse primary visual cortex responses obey a power-law with exponent -1 over several orders of magnitude.

Similar eigenspectra in mouse visual cortex – Fig 2 in Stringer et al. (2019)

Zebrafish brain

More recently, Wang et al. (2023) reported a similar result from whole-brain calcium recordings in zebrafish during hunting and spontaneous behavior.

Similar eigenspectra in zebrafish whole-brain Ca2+-imaging – Fig 1 in Wang et al. (2023)

Deep neural networks

Interestingly, several recent results from the machine learning literature also corroborate this result!

Specifically, Agrawal et al. (2022) report that neural networks whose internal representations have a covariance spectrum that decays as a power law with index -1 perform better. This has made the power law index a statistic of interest for assessing model representation quality – and perhaps a target of direct optimization.

Deep networks with similar covariance spectra perform better – Fig 3 in Agrawal et al. (2022)

In addition, Kong et al. (2022) demonstrated that more adversarially robust neural networks are a better match for macaque V1 eigenspectra.

Deep networks with similar covariance spectra appear more adversarially robust – Fig 6 in Kong et al. (2022)

Human visual cortex!

In this notebook, we have demonstrated that a similar scale-invariant covariance structure underlies human visual representations of natural scenes too!

Plot the cross-validated covariance spectrum for human visual cortex
with sns.axes_style("whitegrid"):


In this notebook, we described a cross-validated approach to isolate stimulus-specific variance and used it to demonstrate the high-dimensional latent structure of neural population responses. Understanding such a high-dimensional code must involve studying reliable information along all dimensions.

Is the power-law exponent of -1 universal? Check your data!

Do we observe the same power-law covariance spectra in other organisms? Could it be a universal statistical property of neural population codes? Do all sensory systems use a high-dimensional population code – where an expressive representation of the outside world might allow rapid learning and generalization to various ethological tasks? Perhaps more cognitive systems might use low-dimensional representational formats to enhance robustness and invariance to irrelevant features.

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Agrawal, Kumar K, Arnab Kumar Mondal, Arna Ghosh, and Blake Richards. 2022. “\Alpha-ReQ : Assessing Representation Quality in Self-Supervised Learning by Measuring Eigenspectrum Decay.” In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, edited by S. Koyejo, S. Mohamed, A. Agarwal, D. Belgrave, K. Cho, and A. Oh, 35:17626–38. Curran Associates, Inc.
Kong, Nathan C. L., Eshed Margalit, Justin L. Gardner, and Anthony M. Norcia. 2022. “Increasing Neural Network Robustness Improves Match to Macaque V1 Eigenspectrum, Spatial Frequency Preference and Predictivity.” Edited by Peter E. Latham. PLOS Computational Biology 18 (1): e1009739.
Stringer, Carsen, Marius Pachitariu, Nicholas Steinmetz, Matteo Carandini, and Kenneth D. Harris. 2019. “High-Dimensional Geometry of Population Responses in Visual Cortex.” Nature 571 (7765): 361–65.
Wang, Zezhen, Weihao Mai, Yuming Chai, Kexin Qi, Hongtai Ren, Chen Shen, Shiwu Zhang, Guodong Tan, Yu Hu, and Quan Wen. 2023. “The Scale-Invariant Covariance Spectrum of Brain-Wide Activity,” February.